LinkedIn Contact Importer for Lotus Notes/Domino
At Acadia Services & Solutions, LLC, we love LinkedIn. We think it is a great product/tool for keeping all personal and professional networks alive and growing. However, as Lotus Notes/Domino professionals, we found it difficult to keep the contacts collected in LinkedIn in synch with our Lotus Notes/Domino environment. We felt it was a disservice to the Lotus Notes/Domino community to not make these contacts easily available.
So we decided to fix the issue with LinkedIn. The LinkedIn Contact Importer for Lotus Notes/Domino is a free tool made available by registering here. Your registration information will be kept private and used only by Acadia Services & Solutions, LLC for keeping you up to date about this and other available products by us.
As for this tool, we posted a question/answer about it on LinkedIn, that can be seen here.
We didn't stop there
While an issue was noticed with LinkedIn contacts, we noticed the Lotus Notes/Domino community has been ignored by many products/tools that are used to store contacts. This tool will be changing to accommodate the synchronization of contacts from many different areas. Download now, and as these features are added you will be notified. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to contact us at this address.

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