Acadia Services & Solutions, LLC is here to help with any needs you may have with Technology. Our specialty is the Lotus Notes/Domino platform from IBM. But we are quite flexible having experience in C#, .NET technologies, JAVA, Web Technologies, VBA, VB, and other technologies. How can we help? Let's see how our services fit your needs.

We are committed to making solutions for the Lotus Notes/Domino platform so others can embrace and leverage this awesome technology. What issues have you experienced? Can we help? Submit your wish(es) here.

LinkedIn Contact Importer for Lotus Notes/Domino

Lets face it, Social Networks are here to stay, and many are trying to figure out how their "virtual networks" can help them succeed while helping others succeed. The problem is, none of these network "hook in to" the Lotus Notes/Domino platform. We are out to change that!!!! We have already created this great free tool to help. For more information on the LinkedIn Contact Importer for Lotus Notes/Domino visit the Information Page.



Notes/Domino Record Locking

We created this tool back in the Notes 4.6x days - but it still performs well. It is cluster sensitive, scalable, and flexible. And guess what - locking even in web based applications! It can manage locks in distributed and single-server environments. One positive over Lotus' implementation

Win32 Menu Creator

This tool was submitted as an OpenNTF project, and is now available for free there. The tool uses the Win32 API and Lotus Notes documents to manage and display popup menus from many different areas such as Action Buttons, Action Hotspots, essentially anywhere you can put LotusScript code.
Check it out...

Ionet Software

IONET Software
for Archiving and E-Discovery